February 20, 2008

My thoughts

This is my bad day blogging picture
So, I had a bad day today, and the odd thing was, I found myself blogging! Sometimes its good to blog happy things when your feeling blue. It makes things seem not so bad. Because even if things are bad, theres a whole lot of good to make up for it. Anyway, you missed out on hearing about Su's bad blog, and instead you get a "I'm done with that...I'm gonna be happy blog" instead! But heres the before picture... Okay, I originally put a happy picture on here as well, but then I realized how incredibly white I looked, so I deleted it. Whats that...$5 tan? Anyway, your stuck with a sad picture, still white...white and sad...thats pathetic!


Debbie said...

i am laughing so hard at that first picture.

love ya!!!

Billings Family said...

Thanks Deb, you helped me turn it around, with a little black cherry and lemon something or other...

Moody Family... said...

hope you have a happier day today. i can't even imagine Su Billings NOt happy! :)

Chessa K said...

Cheer up, you little tiger! I'm thinking it's another Haagen Daaz moment for both of us!

Elise Lundquist said...

Girl! I had probably the worst day ever yesterday also! we should have vented together..if only I knew.

Rachel said...

How funny that some of us are all on a similar cycle and were all have sucky days a the same time!