October 11, 2007


Please do not divorce me as friends. Following the return of our AWESOME trip to Utah, (pictures to come)I have decided to better myself by decluttering my life and mind. Soooo...I have commited to no TV or uneccesarry reading! I KNOW!!!! So, though I started Twilight and was totally enjoying it, I am showing great control by not reading further. But thanks to a devoted friend Rachael, offered to give me a very detailed account of all 3 books. Thus elieviating my time, thoughts and energy that I would have exerted in reading. So, yes, I am motivated, spiritually charged and renewed to go forward with purpose and clarity with my life! (But feel free to keep me quickly updated with anything you feel is Soooo good. I was always a Cliff Note kind of person anyway!)


Anonymous said...

How do I love thee, let me count the ways!! Here is your Edward comment of the day: Bella comes down stairs after getting dressed to meet the Cullens. She says, "OK, I'm decent." Our beloved Edward replies, "Wrong again. You are utterly indecent- no one should look so tempting. It's not fair." Those are the same words, verbatiem, that Bryan used on me tonight when I had a nervous breakdown while making mexican lasagna and holding Calvin for the second strait hour! Art imitating life...go figure!

Billings Family said...

Ha!! Rachael you are classic!!! Now do you see why I choose the Cliff Note version better. Much more comedy involved! You need to write your own book, and I will for sure read that one! LOVE YOU-Su

maryam said...

I finally found you!!!!! YAY!!! We think about you guys so much and miss you tons! I'm so glad that we will be blogging buds- now we will know exactly what the Billings are up to!! Love you guys.

Rachel said...

I am still in a little bit of shock - what will we talk a bout now? Just kidding, I think that is a very good decision, very difficult and maybe even very boring but very good and if it is the best thing for you and your family then you should go for it.

Elise Lundquist said...

girlfriend. good luck with life.

jamirodana said...

I can't believe you let someone tell you about all 3 books. I'm offended.
We must read to develop our minds anyway, so after scripture reading just add a chapter or Edward.

ashley said...

reading is for the birds. i quit that a long time ago.
your still going to blog right???
you better.

Julie said...

I'm totally with Dana on this one!

Billings Family said...

Trust me, there is plenty of reading I'll be doing to develop my mind.

Anonymous said...

OK, so while you "developing your mind" no doubt, the good girl you are, developing it through salvation related material....Edward, sweet Edward says, " I prefer brunettes."...So does Jon, so win, win!

Gerb said...

Good for you, Su! We stopped watching TV a couple years ago at least, and although we are seen as the "Weird Family" to many, it gives us so much more time for the essentials! (plus, I don't think we're missing much...)

Books, though...I'll have to work on that one.

jamirodana said...

Whoops. ....chapter of Edward. I misspelled!

Anonymous said...

I'm the "Twilight" friend and I agree with anyone who encourages Su to read it herself...I can't do it justice...but oh it's soooo fun to talk about.

I'm sick.

Annie + Joey said...

Su!! How are you? I found you through Maryam's blog! Amanda and I were just talking about you. We miss you guys. I am so glad I found your blog so we can keep in touch easier. Here's ours: http://thejorgiesplace.blogspot.com