August 3, 2008


Our hike in
I was an ocean lifeguard for 6 years in large surf conditions, but never did I feel like I was going to drown then behind that water fall on a windy day. CRAZY!
Jon taking a bath-no soap of course
Slept on the ground with many spiders and bugs, and a rainstorm. I now understand why on Survivor they say it was the longest night of their lives.

Jon and I left the kids behind to have an adventure. Again! This time it was to Havasupi. A ten mile hike in (piece of cake!) And a 10 mile hike out (piece of Hell!) We backpacked in everything. Rations and all. No tent, No sleeping bags. Just the clothes we were wearing, a swimsuit, and shoes that provided the largest blisters in history. But it was beautiful. We loved every minute of it. We were there the weekend it was a flash flood where everyone was evacuated out. The only thing was, we were the last to leave before the evacuation. I have never seen lighting and heard thunder within the walls of the canyons like that. Unbelievable. We were beyond "happy in water" with all the water falls and rivers. Had no idea places like that existed so close. Felt like we were in South America somewhere. Thanks Jon for a time I will never forget.


Rachel said...

That place looks so pretty - I want to go so bad, maybe just get helicoptered out and hike in. I love the morning after video, so funny!

Gerb said...

Allen and I did that hike when I was barely pregnant with Kobe. It is SO gorgeous! Were you a little freaked out about the evacuation, though??