June 24, 2008

Beach Day Part 2

We decided to go back to our Secret Beach the next day, since the first was so great. So of course we had some more adventures! Our main meal was provided by Jake (lobster) Appetizers by Luke (crab) and then the staple was our M.R.E.'s (chicken and Pasta)

An after dinner bath


cheryl said...

Love the pictures and you too. Sorry I haven't gotten back to you with getting Beau and Luke together. Well, it turned out they both had Father's and Son's that weekend, so maybe this week or just whenever. Let me know..

ashley said...

fun. can we go please meet up there next week???

Gerb said...

This totally reminded me of a time I went to a beach with some friends and your brother caught a lobster that we cooked up. Good times!!

Tyler and Karen Davis said...

Nice catch Jake. When we were your age, your dad use to scream at the sight of a lobster, even with a spear in his hand. I see no fear in my little buddy.

I'm lovin the creativity of the stove at the beach. Got to be a first.