October 3, 2007

This Stinks!!!

See, this is why I should have never started a blog! It's stinkin' 2am. Its addicting stuff! Hey, it's journal writing, right?? Oh, man, I have to go to bed, a lot going on in the am! See ya-


Chessa K said...

This is why I have set up a blog and haven't put anything on it at all! All my friends are putting me in blogging shame - I guess I need to get my butt in gear! Love the pics, Su!

jamirodana said...

Hahahaha! Welcome to the blog world SuLo. I love it! I can sit and read other people's blogs for minutes upon minutes. Ha.
I will add you to my blog links now.
It is a good way to keep friends and family abreast of what is going on with the family.
I don't think I've stayed up until 2 am blogging though.

ashley said...

yeah! another bloggin fam. i know what you mean, i used to make fun of everyone too, but have been addicted for a year now!
nice work su, keep it up!
hey, we are coming home this christmas- can't wait to see you guys!!!!

Maker said...

Add the security word thingy to your comments. This will stop "drive-by" spammers from leaving inappropriate links and junk....like this...For realz.


Melly Mel said...

I'm so glad you are on a blog! It is addicting! You need to be on one though because you guys moved so far away from us all! We miss you guys!

Debbie said...

i am so glad you started a blog. i can totally relate, i think a lot of people can, about how you would mock blogs. we did the same thing.

Julie said...

I am so very proud of you...welcome to the dark side you blogger!! You've done such a great job getting started...looks so cute!

ps--Hey Dana!

Anonymous said...

Awesome post. Really enjoyed reading your blog posts..